Plant a tree in memory of Wilbert
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1 tree(s) planted in memory of Wilbert Heinrich
Ginger Gearhart lit a candle
Tuesday, April 26, 2022

We had so many wonderful memories of summer vacations at the Jersey Shore, going to Bischoff’s for ice cream and laughing hysterically on every photo call we shared. Thank you for sharing your life and beautiful family with us.
Susan Sabock posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Uncle Wilbert, I can't thank you enough for being the man that you are. You and Aunt Lois were so lucky to have each other and my Dad and I so enjoyed our talks. Rest easy Uncle Wilbert, say hi to my dad, and know how much you are loved. Susan
Eric Heinrich posted a condolence
Saturday, April 23, 2022
Dad, thank you for everything . All the laughs we had but the best was when you showed me how to move the hot water heater and you turned off the ball valve and then proceeded to cut the copper pipe above the valve you shut off . Of course once it was cut the water burst out and ran down inside your shirt and out your pants bottom . You said all your regular curse words and told me to shut off the main valve. Water everywhere and then I said is that the way its supposed to done ? And we laughed ! Love you Dad , miss you 4ever.

A Memorial Tree was planted for Wilbert Heinrich
Friday, April 22, 2022

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Vorhees-Ingwersen Funeral Home Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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The family of Wilbert J. Heinrich uploaded a photo
Thursday, April 21, 2022

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Donald J. Ingwersen - N.J. Lic. No. 4157
59 Main Street | Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660-1609 | Phone: (201) 342-2350